About The Shipman Youth Center

The Shipman Youth Center is a not-for-profit community organization providing support to children and youth ages 10-18. The center was inspired by Thomas Shipman, a designated Lake Placid youth police officer who died unexpectedly in 1995. It was built with community donations of money, materials and labor. Since it's creation, the SYC has provided services to hundreds of children. Programs include home work time and assistance, community services, recreational services, weekly family style dinners, dances, and guest speakers. SYC provides a supervised safe and exciting environment where local children can grow and develop as individuals.
Lake Placid/Wilmington
Connecting Youth & Communities Coalition
The Lake Placid/Wilmington Connecting Youth and Communities (CYC) Coalition is a youth development organization comprised of local community leaders, youth, parents, and government and business partners who work together for the health and well-being of our youth.
Lake Placid Middle/High School
​Lake Placid Central School has been offering students great experiences since the first "little red schoolhouse" was built in 1848. Today, students enjoy small class sizes, state of the art technology, college preparatory/AP classes and an abundance of extra-curricular opportunities.